Santander Cryptography Day

Thursday, November 29, 2018.  University of Cantabria, Spain


Santander Cryptography Day is a one-day meeting for those interested in cryptography. It provides opportunities to learn and to share new results  and current  work in progress. The schedule includes invited speakers and short presentations. Plenty of time is allowed for unstructured interaction among the participants.

       Meeting site

 The conference will take place on the campus of University of Cantabria. The lectures will be held in S5-23  at the at School of Industrial Engineering and Telecommunications

      Program and Schedule

10:00am Vladimir Rozic, True random number generators for FPGAs
11:00am Ana I. Gomez-Perez, Entropy assesments of a self timed ring based true random number generator
11:45am Coffee break and short talks
12:30am Anatolli Leukhin, Unimodular sequences with low level of sidelobes aperiodic function
13:30pm Lunch
15:30pm Lubjana Beshaj, Isogenous components of Jacobian Surfaces
16:15pm Amalia Orúe,  Some visual tools from chaos theory to analyze randomness at a glance
17:00pm Coffee break and short talks
18:00pm Verónica Requena,  On pseudorandom sequences from cellular automata and bent functions
20:30pm Dinner


SCD 2018 is free to attend, but we request that you please send an email message to the organizers as soon as possible so that we can arrange facilities.

     Short talks

Proposals are invited for short talks.

     Invited Speakers


         Research Group Algorithmic Mathemtics and Cryptography


        For more information, contact  Jaime Gutierrez